SARGENT 24-6U65-OB-03 6500 Series U65 Privacy/Bathroom Knob Lockset
Product Information
SARGENT 6500 Series U65 Privacy/Bathroom Knob Lockset- Series: 6_Line
- Description: 2-3/4" Backset x 2-1/4" x 1-1/8" Front, Latch Retracted by either knob unless outside knob is locked by push button in inside knob, Emergency key or flat blad screwdriver in the emergency button releases the inside button and unlocks the outside knob, O Rose B Knob, US03 Polished Brass Finish
- Finish: 605_US3_Bright_Polished_Brass
- Knob Style: B_Knob
- Rose Escutcheon Trim: O_Rose
- Backset: 234
- Strike: t_strike
- Function: U65_Privacy
Quick Metric Conversions: 25mm = 1 inch (approx), 2.5cm = 1 inch (approx), 96mm = 3.75 inches