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Hinges & Stays Catalog

Hinges & Stays Catalog
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Hafele Hinges & Stays PDF catalog
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Hafele Hinges & Stays Products

Hafele Hinges & Stays: Institutional Hinges, Concealed Hinges, Shock Absorbers, Furniture Hinges, Aximat 300 Single Pivot, Aximat 200 Single Pivot, Aximat 300 Thin Panel, Salice, , 200 Series, Zero Protrusion, Thin Door, 100 Series Silentia, Salice Titanium Finish Hinges, Wide Angle, Thick Door, Special Application, PUSH System, Mounting Plates and Accessories, Grass TIOMOS, , 110 degree , 120 degree , 160 degree , Blind Corner, 30 degree and 45 degree Corner, Salice Super SMOVE, Salice SMOVE, Door Bumpers, Elite Decorative Butt, Decorative Butt, Piano Hinges, Furniture Hinges, Aximat for Folding Doors, Salice Single Pivot, Five-Knuckle Hinges, PCC Pie-Cut, Mounting Plates and Cover Caps, Clip-On Hinge, , Clip-On, Pie-cut Corner & Blind Corner, Mounting Plates, A-Series, Slide-on and Mounting Plates, S-Series Stainless Steel Hinges, Soss Invisible Hinges, Zysa Hinges, Easy Mount Hinge, A-Series Pie-Cut, Salice Face Frame, Salice Excentra, Grass TEC Face Frame, A-Series Face Frame, Face Frame Hinges, Soft-Blocks, Dampers, Door Stops, Pivot Hinges, Flap Hinges, Miter Hinges, Flap Stays, Lid Stays, Hinges for Glass, Quick Door Aluminum Frame Doors, Donora-stop, Flap Stay with Catch, Fall-ex, Bench Seat Hinge, Lid Stay and Drawer Pull Catches, Door Stays and Restraints, Lid Stays/Firmatop, Cara Top Lid Stay, Master-Stop, Fall-ex, Berolina, E-Z Open, 304 Stainless Steel, Lid Stays with Soft Close, Badge Hinge and Lock System, Simplex, All-Metal, Glass Door Pulls, Claronda, Profiles - Custom, Glass, Hinges for Custom Doors, Stopmatic S, Short Arm, Duo Lid/Flap Stay, Swingtop II, Maxi for Doors, Maxi for Chests, FREE Swing-up Fitting, STRATO Lift-up Fitting, E-STRATO Lift-up Fitting, VERSO Lift-up Fitting, SENSO Lift-up Fitting, Flipper Door Slide, Lightweight Glass Door, Salice, Aximat, Cut-to-Size Frames and Profiles, Hinges for Cut-to-Size, Accessories for Cut-to-Size.

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Quick Metric Conversions: 25mm = 1 inch (approx), 2.5cm = 1 inch (approx), 96mm = 3.75 inches
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